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Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Faith and Understanding in the Unseen

Hohohoho haiii readers! Assalamualaikum!  Kemain kan tajuk post, 'Unseen' bhaii, aku nak citer pasal beriman pada benda ghaib ke?

Tak, tak...

Aku nak luah perasaan frust aku berkenaan.. cer guess?

Haaaa banyak sebenarnya..(girl's issue, semua benda nak frust). Nways yang pertama pasal...

Pasal cikgu!

Sebenarnya banyak perkara mengenai cikgu ni buat aku tacing tau..

Sebab ada orang yang tak faham, untuk mengajar kau bukan takat kena ada ilmu dalam subjek yang kau nak ajar, tapi juga ilmu bagaimana hendak mengajar subjek tersebut. Methodology is NOT easy. Rata-rata semua orang boleh faham matematik darjah 6, tapi tak semua orang boleh 'memahamkan' budak darjah 6..Haaa orang yang tak faham ni buat aku tacing.. Kalau beginilah konsep pemahamannya, maka majoriti dari kita boleh jadi cikgu sekolah rendah, semua da habis sekolah rendah kan? easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Sebab pemahaman yang begini jugak, buat aku tacing pasal perkara lain. Pasal cikgu2 yang haven't undergone training. Bila aku tengok orang yang bukan bidang perguruan and not even bidang pendidikan jadi cikgu, jujur aku tacing. (Ngade2 kan?!) . Sebab for me you are indirectly telling me that it's not hard to be a teacher, tak undergo training pon takdehal. Bosan takde benda nak buat kat rumah? Jadi la cikgu! Need quick and easy money, daripada menganggur tu? Jadi la cikgu! Being a teacher have always been an easy way out for people who doesn't know what else to do. Maka tak pelik bila ada saying cakap 'If you can, do. If you can't, teach'. Perghh frust la awak!!!

You don't send untrained doctors to the surgery room
You don't send untrained lawyers to the courtroom

And this leads to another frustration! Beban cikgu! (Ini isu lama doe, tak setel2 lagi, haigooo!) Aku tak offended dengan workload. Yang aku rasa offended, nak ngade2 tacing, adalah the amount of workload unrelated to teaching, up to a point distracting teachers from their real job, which is teaching! Again, you are indirectly saying that distracted teachers are no big deal!

Kalau la doktor diberi beban kerja (yang unrelated to doctoring) sampai tahap tak mampu nak merawat orang, pasti orang marah..
Kalau la lawyer diberi beban kerja (yang unrelated to law) sampai tahap tak leh nak pertahankan orang, pasti orang marah..

Why? Because they (doctors, lawyers, alike) have consequences which we can SEE.

You mess up as a doctor, might cost someone's LIFE.
You mess up as a lawyer, might cost an innocent man UNDESERVED PUNISHMENT.
You mess up as a teacher, you are ruining a generation.

Oh but wait, no ones take 'ruining a generation' seriously. Because you cannot SEE how can you ruin a generation.

If a child is 'ruined' by a teacher due to her or his incompetency, it doesn't show up in bruises..
A child won't die from lack of learning in school..
Teachers won't be sent to prison if their teaching is not effective..

So simply no one gives a damn. Because we can't SEE. Hence the reason behind my post title. To have faith and understanding in the unseen.

*** 2021 update. Seriously tajuk ni cringe. kakaka 

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