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Please notice our matching tshirts!! <3 |
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
To my long lost twin, Asri
Friday, 10 September 2021
1 thing my ex taught me
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When I simply shared with him the responses to my FB post |
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Da'ie lalat, lebah dan rama-rama
Agen pendebungaan = Da'ie
Debunga = Dakwah
Atas sebab aku tidak mahu syok sendiri memberi perspektif aku, maka aku bertanya sahabat handai aku mengenai 'sifat-sifat' tiga binatang ini. Soalan yang aku ajukan 'Apa yang ko fikir apabila aku sebut lalat/lebah/rama-rama?'
'Kalau ada kat taman, berseri sangat.'
'Simbol keharmonian' mimi cute *tetibe
'The end of something is the beginning of another- Abah'
'Challenges make you stronger - Aku'
What Uncle Spidey meant
No? Hang on.
Moment-moment touching #2ndPracticum
- Nakal-nakal dia, tak pernah sekali pon tak turn in homework. Sentiasa buat homework and sangat semangat cerita kat aku pasal homework dia :')
- Nakal-nakal dia, hari terakhir aku kat sekolah tu, dia mainkan recorder untuk aku sambil kawan-kawan yang lain persembahkan poem khas untuk aku. Bapakkk ahh, nangis doeeee!
- Nakal-nakal dia, bila aku terpaksa cancel outing class last minute and call balik makbapak semua untuk amik anak-anak pukul 12 instead of pukul 3, dia tak kasi aku call mak dia untuk dia balik awal. Dia insist jugak nak spend masa dengan aku sampai pukul 3.
- Nakal-nakal dia, he said I am his favourite practicum teacher :')
- Nakal-nakal dia, dia buat youtube video bersama aku, (he's a youtuber, can you imagine!) and told me it's so precious (the video).
- Nakal-nakal dia, he taught me one of the most valuable lessons a teacher can ever learn, the value of patience :') <3
Kemanisan Ukhuwah PMG 14
Faith and Understanding in the Unseen
Tak, tak...
Aku nak luah perasaan frust aku berkenaan.. cer guess?
Haaaa banyak sebenarnya..(girl's issue, semua benda nak frust). Nways yang pertama pasal...
Pasal cikgu!
Sebenarnya banyak perkara mengenai cikgu ni buat aku tacing tau..
Sebab ada orang yang tak faham, untuk mengajar kau bukan takat kena ada ilmu dalam subjek yang kau nak ajar, tapi juga ilmu bagaimana hendak mengajar subjek tersebut. Methodology is NOT easy. Rata-rata semua orang boleh faham matematik darjah 6, tapi tak semua orang boleh 'memahamkan' budak darjah 6..Haaa orang yang tak faham ni buat aku tacing.. Kalau beginilah konsep pemahamannya, maka majoriti dari kita boleh jadi cikgu sekolah rendah, semua da habis sekolah rendah kan? easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Sebab pemahaman yang begini jugak, buat aku tacing pasal perkara lain. Pasal cikgu2 yang haven't undergone training. Bila aku tengok orang yang bukan bidang perguruan and not even bidang pendidikan jadi cikgu, jujur aku tacing. (Ngade2 kan?!) . Sebab for me you are indirectly telling me that it's not hard to be a teacher, tak undergo training pon takdehal. Bosan takde benda nak buat kat rumah? Jadi la cikgu! Need quick and easy money, daripada menganggur tu? Jadi la cikgu! Being a teacher have always been an easy way out for people who doesn't know what else to do. Maka tak pelik bila ada saying cakap 'If you can, do. If you can't, teach'. Perghh frust la awak!!!
You don't send untrained doctors to the surgery room
You don't send untrained lawyers to the courtroom
And this leads to another frustration! Beban cikgu! (Ini isu lama doe, tak setel2 lagi, haigooo!) Aku tak offended dengan workload. Yang aku rasa offended, nak ngade2 tacing, adalah the amount of workload unrelated to teaching, up to a point distracting teachers from their real job, which is teaching! Again, you are indirectly saying that distracted teachers are no big deal!
Kalau la doktor diberi beban kerja (yang unrelated to doctoring) sampai tahap tak mampu nak merawat orang, pasti orang marah..
Kalau la lawyer diberi beban kerja (yang unrelated to law) sampai tahap tak leh nak pertahankan orang, pasti orang marah..
Why? Because they (doctors, lawyers, alike) have consequences which we can SEE.
You mess up as a doctor, might cost someone's LIFE.
You mess up as a lawyer, might cost an innocent man UNDESERVED PUNISHMENT.
You mess up as a teacher, you are ruining a generation.
Oh but wait, no ones take 'ruining a generation' seriously. Because you cannot SEE how can you ruin a generation.
If a child is 'ruined' by a teacher due to her or his incompetency, it doesn't show up in bruises..
A child won't die from lack of learning in school..
Teachers won't be sent to prison if their teaching is not effective..
So simply no one gives a damn. Because we can't SEE. Hence the reason behind my post title. To have faith and understanding in the unseen.
*** 2021 update. Seriously tajuk ni cringe. kakaka
Aku tak angkat tangan
Plus aku buat muka kelat
Ye, sumpah waktu tu aku tension
Penat, risau
Rasa tak dihargai
Seribu satu macam rasa. Tapi waktu tu hati telah pon dalam diam buat decision
"Pasni. Aku nak quit PEPIAS"
Abang K pandang ke arah aku and said "Peah tanak join dah pasni?"
Aku geleng
Sekelumit rasa untuk join PMG lepas ni sikit pon takde
Cukuplah apa yang aku rasa waktu tu
Aku tak suka lah stress stress ni
Defense Mechanism?
Why is it the deeper that I'm falling this guy, the stronger the urge to go flirt with 10 other men? LOL.
Friday, 27 August 2021
How to understand men..
How do y'all understand men eh? Like I do refer to my friends sometimes but in my circle of friends, we're all pretty much inexperienced (HAHAHA) and so I do listen to their advices but I question its validity kakakakaka (no offence chugais, i still love yall)
And now im resorting to taking quizzes online to tell me what i should know huhuhu
How do you know a guy is nice nice or he's just nice because he likes you tho? Or you can't ever really tell coz only getting to know them better can give you that answer?
I'm so confused. Frankly I malas fikir, but like kena fikir jugak coz then im gonna miss my chance lah kan?
Huwaaaaaaaaaa somebody help me
Thursday, 26 August 2021
INTP - how reading about it feels like a hug
The only statement that's not quite true for me is that I'm obsessed over crime-themed TV shows in comparison to magic/aliens. Everything else? Spot on. Even the messy hair 😂. I don't have any INTP besties (which is for the best really) so it's easy to feel invisible.. knowing there are other people who are very similar to me makes me feel a little less invisible. Btw the one with secrets made me laugh out loud; I literally always need to ask my friends if it is a secret or not because I don't seem to have common sense in such matters.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
All there is to love about "Perfect and Casual": Chinese Drama Review
I'm exciteeeeeeeeeeeddddddddd. I took a long time to prepare for this blog post. This is how deeply devoted I am to this drama. I honestly haven't enjoyed a drama this deep since My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. And this drama has firmly made me believe, CDrama beats KDrama. Sorry kdrama fans!
If you want spoilers, highlights and episodes summary, click on the links below
- https://cyn-lynn.blogspot.com/2020/09/perfect-and-casual-recap-and-review.html
- https://tvbandthailakorns.wordpress.com/2021/02/28/on-perfect-and-casual-memorable-scenes/
- https://mydramalist.com/article/perfect-and-casual-a-hidden-gem-011015681
This drama had a very cliche premise; contract relationship, forced cohabitation, cold vs warm characters, yada yada yada. Even so, the plot was still refreshing in a lot of ways. Both the male and female lead, are my favourite drama characters ever. In fact, I pretty much adore all the characters. Even the supposed antagonists aren't mean. I didn't feel frustrated even once, which is super rare for any drama fans.
Ok so on to my review! I will post a list of everything there is to love about this drama, with screenshots that I have relentlessly captured! It was hard work but I feel so satisfied doing so. When a drama deserves love, I am more than happy to demonstrate. Ok ok we're trailing off.. back to the review.
1) Professor Zhang is a consent KING
Grandpa totally played cupid! Again, another refreshing change. None of those toxic family members wanting a wife that is of the same status as the male lead. He picked her cause he thought she was warm. So sweet. Her friends, his friends, are all good advisors. They never discouraged the pair and make them think otherwise of each other. I absolutely love a love story where everyone is in full support of the couple. So tired of the "its us vs the world" trope.
The drama consistently shows us how perfect of a pair the two characters are. Which I really enjoyed. Especially all their shopping scenes. It made it very clear how the both of them needed each other. Prof Zhang and his logical and vigilant thinking.. Yun Shu with her intuitive, carefree and emotional way of thinking. And both of them showed how those different traits are necessary. Prof Zhang taught her that life isn't so innocent, and Yun Shu taught him that life can still be warm.
8) The cute jealousy scenes
10) Family first